Hey guys!
Today I have decided to share with you little secret, that can save you quite some time, while writing templates with HAML.
While creating a form for one of the projects, I needed to put a checkbox within the same line as label and also I had to make my label a “translation”.
I googled and the closest which I was able to find was:
However, It didn’t really solve my “translation” problem.
Initially my code looked like this:
= simple_form_line do = f.label t('.send_email') = f.check_box :send_email, class: "checkbox"
.send_email in this case is a translation from my eng.yml file which equals to “Send credentials to user by email”.
The code produced this output:
However, what I needed my checkbox and message to be on the same line. This is how I was able to solve it:
= simple_form_line do = f.label t('.send_email') = f.check_box :send_email, class: "checkbox"
(Sorry if wordpress screwed indentation!!!)
And here is how output looks like:
That’s it for today!
Have a wonderful day!
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